Sunday 2 July 2017

"Eddie" M. Angerhuber Bibliography: Translations

>>Bibliography: Short Stories

Note: The purpose of this section is to compile a list of Angerhuber’s translations, all of which were published under the author's real name Monika Angerhuber. Monika has translated into German several titles for the publisher Edition Metzengerstein, including three books from their series Edgar Allan Poes phantastische Bibliothek, among them: The White Hands by Mark Samuels, My Work is Not Yet Done by Thomas Ligotti and a collection of stories by Quentin S. Crisp (Dunkler Gestade – Aufgesang) that assembled texts from various sources.[1]
In 2002 Angerhuber won the first place in the German Phantastik-Preis for In einer fremden Stadt, in einem fremden Land featuring her translation of numerous stories by Thomas Ligotti. The same year, she was awarded the fourth place in the internet-based contest "Supreme TerrorScribe" for the story "The Skull" published online in her own translation.
Digital version of Solar-X as well as the following websites proved useful in tracking down some of the German story titles:
The translations are divided into two sections: German-to-English (translations of the author’s own works) and English-to-German.

(Translations of the author’s own works)


Nocturnal Products
See Novels, novellas, story collections and chapbooks for details.

Short Stories:

"Alchemy of the Abyss"
[Original title: "Alchemie des Abgrunds"]
Nocturnal Products (Rainfall Books, May 2002)

"Anankastic Syndrome, The"
[Original title: "Das anankastische Syndrom"]
Published online (Terror Tales, April 2000, no longer available)
Nocturnal Products (Rainfall Books, May 2002)

"Blue Star, The"
[Original title: "Der blaue Stern"]
Nocturnal Products (Rainfall Books, May 2002)
Published online (ANGWA Factory)
Grimscribe’s Puppets (Miskatonic River Press, June 2013)

"Colours of Sounds, The"
[Original title: "Die Farben der Klänge"]
Nocturnal Products (Rainfall Books, May 2002)

"Hierophant of Dreams, The"
[Original title: "Der Hierophant des Traums"]
Nocturnal Products (Rainfall Books, May 2002)

"Hidden Room, The"
[Original title: "Die verborgene Kammer"]
Top International Horror: Contest Winners 2003 (Rainfall Books, 2004)

"Heart of Darkness"
[Original title: "Das Herz der Dunkelheit"]
Nocturnal Products (Rainfall Books, May 2002)
Published online (Shadow Writer)
Shadow Writers: Volume Two (Rainfall Books, December 2003)

"Hymn to the Night"
[Original title: "Hymne an die Nacht"]
Nocturnal Products (Rainfall Books, May 2002)

"Nocturnal Product, The"
[Original title: "Das Produkt der Nacht"]
The Dream Zone, no. 9 (May 2001)
Nocturnal Products (Rainfall Books, May 2002)

"Other Staircase, The"
[Original title: "Die zweite Treppe"]
Nocturnal Products (Rainfall Books, May 2002)

"Prayers to the Void"
[unidentified German title]
Nocturnal Products (Rainfall Books, May 2002)

"Reading of the Night Book, A"
[Original title: "Das Nachtbuch"]
published online (Thomas Ligotti Online, 2005, no longer available)

"Rinaldini's Hands"
[Original title: "Rinaldinis Hände"]
The Dream Zone, no. 8 (January 2001)
Nocturnal Products (Rainfall Books, May 2002)

"Skull, The"
[Original title: "Der Schädel"]
Published online (Terror Tales, May 2002, no longer available)
Terror Tales, no. 1 (Rainfall Books, September 2003)

"Solo for the Queen"
[Original title: "Solo für eine Königin"]
Nocturnal Products (Rainfall Books, May 2002)



Cthulhus Rückkehr by Robert Bloch
Windeck: Blitz-Verlag, 2000 [Paperback]
[Original title: Strange Eons]
[Novel of 176 pages.]


Geistergeschichten aus Buxton - Under the Crust by Terry Lamsley
Kerpen: Edition Metzengerstein, 1999 [Paperback]
[Original title: Under the Crust]
[Short story collection]
[Contains four stories: "Die zweifache Heimkehr" ("Two Returns"); "Lebendes Wasser" ("Living Waters"); "Spielverderber" ("Killjoy"); "Etwas Schlimmeres" ("Something Worse"); "Ein neues Leben für Tabitha" ("Tabitha after Life"); "Unter der Kruste" ("Under the Crust").]

In einer fremden Stadt, in einem fremden Land by Thomas Ligotti
Windeck: Blitz-Verlag, 1999 [Hardcover]
[Short story collection with cover and interior illustration by H. R. Giger, limited to 350 copies, signed by Ligotti and by Giger.]
[Contains four stories: "Sein Schatten wird zu einem höheren Haus aufsteigen" (original title: "His Shadow Shall Rise to a Higher House"); "Die Glocken werden auf ewig klingen" (original title: "The Bells Will Sound Forever"); "Eine leise Stimme flüstert nichts" (original title: "A Soft Voice Whispers Nothing"); "Wenn du das Singen hörst, wirst du wissen, es ist Zeit" (original title: "When You Hear the Singing You Will Know it is Time").]

In einer fremden Stadt, in einem fremden Land by Thomas Ligotti
Almersbach: Festa Verlag, 2001 [Paperback]
[Short story collection, expanded edition of 160 pages, with cover illustration H. R. Giger.]
[Contains fourteen stories from "In a Foreign Town, in a Foreign Land", "Songs of a Dead Dreamer", "Grimscribe" and "Noctuary" divided into 3 sections: In einer fremden Stadt, in einem fremden Land: "Sein Schatten wird zu einem höheren Haus aufsteigen" ("His Shadow Shall Rise to a Higher House"); "Die Glocken werden auf ewig klingen" ("The Bells Will Sound Forever"); "Eine leise Stimme flüstert nichts" ("A Soft Voice Whispers Nothing"); "Wenn du das Singen hörst, wirst du wissen, es ist Zeit" ("When You Hear The Singing You Will Know It Is Time"); Tagebuch der Nacht: "Die Medusa" ("The Medusa"); "Die Verheißung der Träume" ("The Prodigy of Dreams"); "Die seltsame Kunst des Meister Rignolo" ("The Strange Design of Master Rignolo"); "Die Stimme in den Knochen" ("The Voice in the Bones"); Die Träume der Toten: "Der Schatten am Grund der Welt" ("The Shadow at the Bottom of the World"); "Die Musik des Mondes" ("The Music of the Moon"); "Dr. Voke und Mr. Veech" ("Dr Voke and Mr Veech"); "Luchs-Auge" ("Eye of the Lynx"); "Dr. Locrians Irrenhaus" ("Dr Locrian's Asylum"); "Die verlorengegangene Kunst der Dämmerung" ("The Lost Art of Twilight").]

Das Alptraum-Netzwerk by Thomas Ligotti
[Original title: "My Work Is Not Yet Done"]
Windeck: Blitz-Verlag, 2003 [Paperback]
[Fiction collection]
[Contains two stories, a novella translated by Angerhuber and an afterword by Thomas Wagner: "Meine Arbeit ist noch nicht erledigt" (original title: "My Work Is Not Yet Done"); "Ich habe einen speziellen Plan für diese Welt" (original title: "I Have A Special Plan For This World"); "Das Alptraum-Netzwerk" (original title: "The Nightmare Network"), "Das ultimate Objekt des Abscheus - Thomas Ligotti und das Leben im Alptraum" (afterword) by Thomas Wagner.]

Die weissen Hände und andere Geschichten des Grauens by Mark Samuels
Windeck: Blitz-Verlag, 2004 [Paperback]
[Short story collection limited to 999 copies]
[Contains nine stories translated by Angerhuber and an afterword by Thomas Wagner with an interview with the author: “Die weißen Hände" ("The White Hands"); "Schwarz wie die Finsternis" ( "Black as Darkness"); "Das letzte Spiel des Großmeisters" ("The Grandmasters Final Game"); "Momentaufnahme des Schreckens" ("Mannequins in Aspects of Terror");  "Appartement 205" ("Apartment 205"); "Die Sackgasse" ("The Impasse"); "Kolonie" ("Colony"); "Vrolyck" ("Vrolyck"); "Die Suche nach Kruptos" ("The Search for Kruptos").]

Edgar Allen Poes phantasische Bibliothek 06 - Dunkler Gestade – Aufgesang by Quentin S. Crisp
Windeck: Blitz-Verlag, 2006 [Paperback]
[Shost story collection of 192 pages with interior illustrations by Mark Freier]
[Contains five short stories together includes the first publication of "The Meat Factory": "Cousin X" ("Cousin X"); "Die Meerjungfrau" ("The Mermaid"); "Verfall" ("Decay"); "Der Einsiedler" ("The Recluse"); "Die Fleischfabrik" ("The Meat Factory").]

Allem Fleisch ein Greuel: Erzählungen
Berlin: Edition Medusenblut, 2005 [Paperback]
[Anthology of 199 pages]
[Contains seven stories, three of which were translated by Eddie Angerhuber: "Hinter dem bemalten Gesicht" by John B. Ford ("Behind the Painted Face"); "Die Nummer” by Quentin S. Crisp ("The Cypher"); “Allem Fleisch ein Greuel" by Matt Cardin ("An Abhorrence to all Flesh").]

Short Stories:

"Gehirnerschütterung" by Ramsey Campbell
[Original title: "Concussion"]
Dämonen bei Tag (Kerpen: Edition Metzengerstein, Oktober 1998)

"Die verzauberte Frucht" by Ramsey Campbell
[Original title: "The Enchanted Fruit"]
Dämonen bei Tag (Kerpen: Edition Metzengerstein, Oktober 1998)

"Das Ende eines Sommertages" by Ramsey Campbell
[Original title: "The End of a Summer's Day"]
Dämonen bei Tag (Kerpen: Edition Metzengerstein, Oktober 1998)

"Die Wächter" by Ramsey Campbell
[Original title: "The Sentinels"]
Dämonen bei Tag (Kerpen: Edition Metzengerstein, Oktober 1998)

"Blumen Des Abgrunds" by Thomas Ligotti
[Original title: "Flowers of The Abyss"]
Dead Ends - Angloamerikanische Horrorstories (Mainz: Ventil-Verlag 1999)

"Die ewig fallende Klinge" by John B. Ford
[Original title: "The Eternally Descending Blade"]
Soledad, no. 3 "Incognitaville, (Angerhuber/Wagner, January 2001)

“Geistergeschichten für Die Toten” by Thomas Ligotti
[Original title: "Ghost Stories for the Dead"]
Soledad, no. 3 "Incognitaville" (Angerhuber/Wagner, January 2001)

"Schlafwandler Roter Träume" by Mark F. Samuels
[Original title: "Somnambulist of Red Dreams"]
Published online (The ANGWA Factory, 2002)

“Mrs. Drasics Abschiedsfeier” by Eddie M. Angerhuber and John B. Ford
[Original title: "Mrs Drasic's Farewell Party"]
The New Blackness - Vier rabenschwarze Geschichten (Berlin: Bärenklau Verlag, November 2002)

"Judas des Unendlichen" by Matt Cardin
[Original Title "Judas of the Infinite"]
Published online (The ANGWA Factory, 2002)

“Der Schatten am Grund der Welt” by Thomas Ligotti
[Original title: "The Shadow at the Bottom of the World"]
Grimscribe - Sein Leben und Werk (revised by Felix F. Frey)

“Der Nacht-Träumer” by Paul Bradshaw
[Original title: "The Night Dreamer"]
Daedalos, no. 11 (Verlag Hubert Katzmarz, March 2001)

"Die infizierte Zeit" by John B. Ford
[Original title: "Infection of Time"]
Daedalos, no. 11 (Verlag Hubert Katzmarz, March 2001)

"Feine Klingen" by Ray B. Russell
                [Original title: "Delicate Cutters"]
                Der agnostische Saal (Maldoror, July 1998)


"Disillusionment Can Be Glamorous - ein interview with Thomas Ligotti"
Published online (The Art of GrimScribe, 2001)

"The Grimscribe in Cyberspace - Interview mit Thomas Ligotti"
Published online (The ANGWA Factory, ca 2002)

Other translations:

"Thomas Ligottis Karriere Der Alpträume"
[Original title: "Thomas Ligotti's Career of Nightmares"]
Published online (The ANGWA Factory, 2002)

"Ich Bin Ein Berliner - Berlin und the village" by Moor Larkin
Published online (Match cut)

[1] This collection includes the first and, as of today (01/07/2017), the only publication of the story "The Meat Factory".

© Sławek Wielhorski

>>Bibliography: Audio recordings

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